On Greece epoch philosophers analyzes what do intended with language and whats reality lingual. Philosophers that is in agreement that language is sign system. Said that living man in bear evidence of that ranges all human life facet, e.g. building, kedokteran, health, geography, etcetera. But hits language reality – if lingual kindred reality or not – them haven't are of the same mind. Two philosopher outgrow that its thinking goes on having for until now be Plato and Aristoteles.
Philological scope
In common, philological area can phonetic, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic. Severally those area is worded deep following chapter sub this.
Phonetic points on lingual sound articulation. Phoneticians was successful determine articulation trick of a variety language sound and makes international phonetic alphabet so make easy someone to study and utters no sound in its mother tongue. E.g. in english language available a marked difference among sound tin and thin, and among they and day,.
International phonetic alphabet, one that backed up by phonetic laboratory, linguistics department, UCLA, studied essential by all boss, notably chief state. Ably read phonetic alphabet precisely, someone can give oration in hundreds languages.
Phonology points on lingual sound system. E.g. in english language, there is consonant bunch that naturally is hard to be uttered by english language native speaker because in conflict with englishes language phonological system, but that consonant bunch maybe gets easily be uttered by other language native speaker that it phonological system available that consonant bunch.
More morphology a lot of points on analisis mold elements says. As compare of simple, one expert of pharmaceutical (or chemical?) need to understand substance what do get to get dashes with a substance givening to result effective flu doctor; the same as one expert of english language linguistics needs to understand augmentation what do get gummed with a word givening to result word that really. E.g. suffix ¬en can be gummed by dark's adjective to form darken's job word, but suffix ¬en can't be gummed by green's adjective to form job word. Its reason of course just gets to be worded by linguist, meanwhile language user may just direct utilize that word.
Analisis is syntax points on analisis phrase and sentence. One of kemaknawiannya is its role in legislation regulation formulation. Severally cognitive analisis syntax can point out if a sentence or phrase in a legislation regulation gets ambiguous character (wherewith double) or not. If wherewith double, obviously needs available given fitting so that legislation regulation not good disalahartikan witting and also not deliberate.
Study semanticing to work through hit language meaning. Analisis is meaning in this case beginning of syllable until sentence. Semantic Analisis can point out that deep english language, each word which have syllable ‘ pl ’ have something mean that evenly so ill suited for product name / deep-sea object. An old hand at semantic can also prove syllable what do tend to have negative meaning, so that syllable necessarily doesn't be utilized as name of insurance product.
Philological formative history
Linguistic goes on amends and progressively play essential role in world scholarship.
Tradition sets influential Latin greek go to another Europe languages. dionysius Thrax's structure on century 5 deciphered into Armenia's language, then into Siria's language. Hereafter pro manner arabicing to absorb Siria's structure.
Yen analyzes languages at European actually was begun before Renaisans's epoch, for example with be written grammatic Irish (century 7 m), Eslandia's structure (century 12), etcetera. On that term language becomes medium in kesusastraan, and if as research object at constant university in sekeletal traditional. Reputed structure as art of speaking and writing correctly. Grammatic main task is give points about using up "good language" , which is intelligentsia language. Using up road map "good language" this is subject to be avoid its happening elements using up that can "wreck" language as word of uptake, manner kepts the ball rolling, etcetera.
Besides at Europe and Western Asia, lingual research at Asian south one needs to be known is at India craftily its grammar that bemama Panini (century 4 SM). Sanskrit's structure that was arranged by this pro have excess at phonetic area. This top for example since marks sense compulsion to pronounce aright and on the nose invocation and song in Weda's innocent book.
Until draws near Renaisans's epoch, language that is analyzed is greek, and Latin. Language Latinning to have essential role on that term because is utilized as medium in world education, administration and international diplomacy at European West. On Renaisans's epoch language research begins amends to go to Romance languages (Prancis's language, Spain, and Italian) one that looked on by berindukkan Latin language, also to languages that nonRoman as english language, Germany, Dutch, Swedish, and Denmark.
To know genetis's relationship between language was done to methodic comparabilities. Among year 1820 1870 pro linguistics successfuling to build systematics relationship between Novel languages base phonological structures and morfologisnya. On year 1870 it linguists of Junggramatiker's groups or Neogrammarian successfuling to find tricks to know interlingual kinship relationships bases to methodic comparabilities.
Severally successful lingual clump direkonstruksikan until this full age for example:
1 ). Eurasian clump: german language, Eurasian Iranian, Armenia, Baltik, Slavis, Romance, keltik, Gaulis.
2 ). semito Hamit's clump: arabic, Hebrew, Ethiopia.
3 ). Chari's clump Nile; Assistive language, Khoisan.
4 ). Dravida's clump: Telugu's language, Tamil, Kanari, Malayalam.
5 ). Austronesia's clump or Malayo-polynesian: malay, Melanesia, Polynesia.
6 ). Austro Asiatik's clump: Mon Khmer's language, Palaung, Munda, Annam.
7 ). Finno Ugris's clump: Ungar's language (Magyar), Samoyid.
8 ). Altai's clump: Turkish language, Mongol, Manchu, Japan, Korea.
9 ). Paleo Asiatis's clump: languages at Siberia.
10). Sino's clump Tibet: Chinese language, Thai, Tibeto is Burmese.
11). Caucasia clump: North caucasia language, South caucasia.
12). Indian languages: Eskimo language, Sioux's virtual, Hokan
13). Other languages as lingual as at Papuan, Australia and Kadai.
Junggramatiker's clan success reconstruct proto's languages at European regard thinking pro century linguistics 20, for example Ferdinand De Saussure. This master not only is known as modern linguistics father, but also a strukturalisme's movement figure. In strukturalisme language is looked on as system that gets bearing (system of relation). Its element as word, sound each other gets bearing and dependent in form that system.
Severally subject Saussure's thinking:
1 ). Main more oral language instead of lingual writes. Writing just constitute medium that represents ujaran.
2 ). Linguistics gets descriptive character, not preskriptif as on traditional structure. Pro linguistics on call describes how person converse and writing deep its language, don't give decision how someone necessarily converses.
3 ). Research gets synchronic character be not diakronis as on century linguistics 19. Although amends language and changed, research is done on kurun particular time.
4 ). Language constitutes a two-sided sign system, consisting of signifiant (awl) and signifie (petanda). Both constitute form that don't most come to pieces, if one of changed, another one also changed.
5 ). Formal language and also nonformal becomes research object.
6 ). Language constitutes one relation systems and have structure.
7 ). Differentiated among language as system that exists in lingual wearing kindness mind of a social group (langue) with language as manifestasi each penuturnya (parole).
8 ). Differentiated among asosiatif's relationship and sintagmatis in lingual. asosiatif's relationship or paradigmatis it antarsatuan's relationship language with satuan any other since there is form or meaning equality. sintagmatis's relationship it antarsatuan's relationship sintagma's mold by polarizes a satuan with satuan any other that follows or preceding
In its developing history, chockablock lingusitik various streaming, concept, approaching and from outside enquiry descries it so intricate, mutually contrary and flurrying, particularly divides initiates. But, actually the whole lot that will add our knowledge to area and linguistics study.
1.1. Traditional linguistics
Person serting polarizes traditional linguistics and linguistics because both of this grammatic type there are many spoken by parent as two interfering thing consequent of approaching both that unegual to lingual reality. menganalisis's traditional structure language bases philosophy and semantic, meanwhile structural structure bases structure or aught formal marking in a given language.
In formulate traditional grammatic job word say job word is say one to declare for action / instance. Meanwhile structural structure in declare for job word is say one can distributed with phrase “ by....”.
1.1.1. Greece Epoch linguistics
Thing that is polarized filosof Yunanai hits language reality be (1 ) discrepancies among fisis and nomos, (2 ) discrepancies among analogy and anomali. Language gets nature (fisis) fathom a meaning that language have derivation relationship, source in eternal principles and can't beyond substitute that man is alone, therefore can't be refused. Language gets mean convention character it, meaning say that were gotten from tradition pickings / wonts that have possible can changed.
Analogy discrepancy and anomali concerns that language problem the latest something / fits and starts. Analogy clan, for example Plato and Aristoteles, opine that it gets set character. Since marks sense regularity that is person can arrange structure. Figure / clan that gets big role in one at language:
Ø Sophis's clan arises on SM's 5th century. They are known in studi language, for example since:
a. They do empirical ala job.
b. They do ala job must by use of particular criteria.
c. They really memntingkan bisang retorika in studi language.
d. They memedakan sentence type bases to fill and meaning.
Incorrectly a Sophis's figure, which is Protogoras, dividing sentence as sentence narasi, sentence asks, answering sentence, imperative sentence, write-up sentence, invocation and invitation. Other figure, Georgias, speaking lingual style as one we knows now..
Ø Plato is the living one before century masehi that, in studi language is known, for example since:
a. She disputes analogy and anomali in its book “ dialogue ”. Also interpose artless language problem and lingual conventional.
b. She releases language limitation that its sound roughly speaking lingual is statement collect thoughts man with onomata's intermediate and rhemata.
c. She is person that first time differentiates onoma's deep word and rhena.
Ø Aristoteles is incorrect a Plato's student. In studi her language adds one class say be division up that made by its teacher. Plato, which is with syndesmoi. So terminological Aristoteles there is 3 kind brazes to say, which is onoma, rhema and syndesmoi. One that intended syndesmoi is more word a lot of on call in syntactical relationship. So, syndesmoi this more or less equal to class preposisi and konjungsi what does we know present. She differentiates word gender (or gender) as three, which is masculine, feminine and neutrum.
Ø Clan Stoik is agglomerate philosopher which pasa's amends 4th century startup SM. They differentiate studi language logically and studi is grammatic ala language. They differentiate three main components from studi languages, which is (1 ) signs, symbol, sign / semainon, (2 ) meanings, what semainomen / lekton the so called, (3 ) lingual outdoor thingses namely objects / situations. They differentiate legein which is sound which form a part of phonology but not wherewith and propherental which is lingual sound utterance that contains meaning. They divide part of speech become 4, which is noun, say job, syndesmoi and arthoron which is word which declare for gender and active job word and passive job word.
Ø Alexandrian's clan bear opus “ dionysius Thrax's Structure ” as a result they in menyidik kereguleran greek. This dionysius Thrax's book comes into the world more or less year 100 SM and as sikal forthcoming traditional structures.
1.1.2. Roman epoch
Figure on Roman epoch that popularly for example, Varro (116 - 27 SM) with De Lingua Latina's opus and Priscia with Instituciones Gramaticae. In De Lingua Latina's book that consisting of 25 volumes, Varro stills also mendebatkan analogy problem and anomali, this book deep dibadi etymology areas, morphology and syntax. Etymology is branch linguistics which investigate therewith word derivation its mean. And transformation happening and meaning change says. Morphology is branch linguistics which study word and its forming. Priscia's structure, this book consisting of 18 volumes. 16 volume hit morphologies and 2 volume hit syntaxs. This book fledged utmost that announced by speaker in origin and its structure theories constitute lingual talk main crossbars traditional alae. Facet those are spoken in this book, for example:
a. Phonology, in phonology area firstly been spoken writing and font is lutterae the so called (a part most littles of sound who can be set down).
b. Morphology. In thisa is spoken about diccio / says (a part minimum of ujaran's something and has diartikan separate in meaning as one entire).
c. Syntax. Area syntacticaling to speak thing is oratio the so called, which is grade manner says that gets harmony and point out that sentence finish.
in's book have become latin structure basic and fisafat is middle ages.
1.1.3. Middle ages
Of this middle ages equitable one to be spoken deep studi language, for example is play a part modistae's clan, Spekultiva's structure and Petrus Hispanus.
modistae's clan speak discrepancy among fisis and nomos and discrepancy among analogy and anomali. They get role in formative at stimologi's area. spekulativa's structure constitutes to usufruct lingual grammatical description integration latin into skolastik's philosophy. According to structure spekultiva, say is not straightforward represent nature of object that is pointed, say just represents thing to mark sense that object in various trick, modus, substansi, action, quality, etc.. Petrus Hispanus, beliau has once become Pope, which is year 1276 1277 by Johaness's Pope title XXI. Its book gets Summulae Ligicales's title. Its role in lingiustik's area for example:
a. Inserting psychology in analisis language meaning, differentiate among signifikasi main and konsignifikasi, which is savvy distinction on shaped character and savvy that contained by augmentations.
b. Differentiating nomen on 2 kinds, which is nomen substantivium and nomen adjectivum.
c. Differentiating partes orationes on kategorimatik and syntategorematik. Kategorematik is all form that cans be subjek / predikat, syntategorematik is a form another speech.
1.1.4. renaisans's epoch
Renaisans's epoch is looked on as epoch of modern century opener. Effloresce Arabic linguistics quick because arabic position as lingual as islams innocent book. There is 2 arabic flows, which is flow Basra who get analogy concept influence of kufah's Greek and flow epoch that give attention to lingual variety.
If we conclude discussion regarding traditional linguistics, which is:
a. On traditional structure is not recognised adanay the difference among ujaran's language with written language. Therefore, at lingual paper just lays on written language.
b. Language that arranged by its structure described by takes directives of latin languages, particularly lingual latin.
c. Lingual methods to be made prespektif's alae, namely is right / false.
d. kebahasaan's problem oftentimes described by involves logic.
e. Former method finds tend to ever be been kept.
1.2. Strukturalis's linguistics
Ferdinad de Saussure (1857 - 1913) looked on as father of modern linguistics bases laden view deep Course De Linguistiques Generals's book that is arranged and published by Carles Bally and albert sechehay is year 1915 (so 2 setalah de Saussure's years dies). Ferdinad de Saussure differentiates to mark sense 2 subjective kinds which is relationship sintagmatik and paradigmatik's relationships. Relationship sintagmatik is subjective among elements which exist deep a graded discourse alternately, get linear character. Relationship paradigmatik is subjective among elements which exist deep a discourse with elements a sort that has no in pertinent discourse.
In streaming phonology area praha gives huge influence. praha's flow this is that firstly differentiates explicitly will phonetic and phonology. Phonetic studies that sound is alone, meanwhile phonology studies that sound function is deep a system. In streaming phonology area praha this also introduces and developing a terminology so-called morphology, area that analyze morphemes phonological structure. Thisa analyze happening phonological changes consequent subjective morphemes with morpheme. In Vilem Mathesius's syntactical area tries to study sentence via functional approaching. Information structure concern theme element and rema. Theme is what do be spoken, sdangkan rema is what say so about theme. Each sentence contain theme element and rema.
biosematik's flow comes into the world at Denmark, its figure for example, Louis Hjemslv (1899 - 1965) one that keep on Ferdinand De Saussure's teaching. Its name gets wind because effort it to make linguistic as knowledge which selfsupporting, free of other knowledge, with equipment, methodological and terminologis own. Analisis is language is begun from discourse, then ujaran it dianalisis on constituents that have relationship paradigmatis in order to forma (intern's grammatical relationship), substansi (external category of object significant), expression (verbal /'s medium graphics) and content (meaning).
M.A. K Haliday which is false a firth's student that develop fith menganai's theory language, notably which pleases by kemasyarkatan's facet language by the name of sistematik's linguistics flow. systemic linguistic's view dicta (SL) are:
a. SL gives full attention on lingual sociological facet especially about lingual social function and how that sociological function telaksana in lingual.
b. SL sees language as “ executor ”.
c. SL moring to accentuate pemerian given language marking variation therewith it, are not / insufficiently be alive to language universe.
d. SL knows to mark sense gradation / kontimum. Oftentimes language item boundses woolly.
e. SL figures 3 main levels.
Amendses causative factors its streaming quick alae strukturalis at American on year 30 an:
a. On that term linguis at American face same problem which is Indian language myriad at American yangbelum is given.
b. Bloomfield's attitude that refuses metalistik in line with effloresce philosophy climate on fact who that dicocokkandengan can fact who can be observed.
c. Between linguis linguis that there is relationship which well, since marks sense The Linguistics Society Of America that publish Language's magazine; place container reports to usufruct their job.
Developed strukturalis flow Bloomfield with its frequent fellow men also so-called Bloomfieldian / Post Bloomfieldian's taxonomy and flow flow, since gets beginning / stem on Blomfield's idea. Called by taxonomy flow because that flow menganalisis and mengklarifikasikan is language elements bases hierarkinya's relationship. In menganalisis kaimat, mislanya was utilized by tech Immediate Constituensts Analysis (IC analiysis) to see direct elements that build tesebut's sentence.
Tagmemik's flow pioneered by kenneth L. Pike, meanwhile figure at Summei Institure Of Linguistics, one that heirs Bloomfiled's views, so this flow also gets strukturalis's character, but also antropologis. According to this flow base satuan of syntactical is tegmen (formation) tagmen is correlation among grammatical function / slot with a galaxy morphology which can mutually be interchanged to fill that slot. In succeeding developing, both of tagmem's element, which is function danbentuk (or logistic filler category) need to be added too with role element (meaning filler) and cohesion (binding among satuan satuan lingual) one that form hand in glove braid.
1.3. Transformasional's linguistics and later Flows
Ø transformasi's structure
Can say transformasi's structure comes into the world with publishes it Noam Chomsky's book that gets syntactic Structure's title on year 1957, are next developed because mark sense criticism and tips of a variety party, in 2nd Chomsky book one gets Aspect Of The Theory Of Syntax's title on year 1965. Developed name for developed structure model by Chomsky it is Transformational Generative Grammar; but in prevalent indonesian to be called transformasi /'s structure generative structure. According to Chomsky one of aim of language research is arrange structure of that language. Each structure of a language, according to Chomsky Is constitute theory of that language is alone and grammatic it shall accomplish 2 requisites, which is:
a. Resulting sentence by grammatic it shall get to accept by language user most conceive of sentence which fairly and unaffected.
b. That structure has to get form in such a way face, so satuan / is terminology that is utilized is not up on language phenomena most indeed and all these matters have equal with cognitive given linguistics.
In line with concept Langue and Parok from de saussure, therefore chomsky differentiates to mark sense ability (competence) and language conduct (performance). Ability (competence) are gnostic one be had by user language tetap lingual it, meanwhile conduct gets language (performance) are that lingual using up alone deep real situation. In this generative structure, therefore that as object it is its ability, even conduct gets language also essential, and one needs and pulling to a lingual researcher is method one be used at speaker to make sentence that be uttered.
transformasi's structure comes into the world to coincide by publishes it syntatic structure's book on year 1957. Theory that is interposed in this book often been called by the name of “ transformasi's structure classic ”. Mark sense acclaim that as criticism and tips on lacking whatever available in that theory cause its appearance again book chomsky on year 1965 by Aspect Of Theory Syntac's titles. In this book. Chomsky has perfected its theory knows sintaks by arranges severally change which prinsipil.
Unlike grammatic strukturalis who tries to describe given language marking, therefore structure transformasi (and equals tradisonal's structure), try to describe kesemestaan's marking language. Then, since on its cognitive beginning grammatic it is used to describe english language methods, therefore then while sectarian pata this theory tries to utilize it to other languages arises various problems. Therefore, remedial efforts were done by ex students / fellow secondhand this flow. For example that did by generative semantic clan, cases grammatic flow and relasional's structure flow.
In year theory 1968 Fillmore derestricts to foot up that case, but in version 1971 in a bind on kausus agent, eksperiencer, object, means, source, field goal and referential.
- Agent is perlaku conduct / one does a conduct.
Example: conduct eats, kick and taking in.
- Eksperiencer is one experience persitiwa psychological.
Example: I and she in sentence “ I know ” and her “ have cold feet ”.
- Object is something that hit by conduct / one experiences a process.
Example: ball and house in sentence “ Dika kicks to serve a ball ” and “ Lurah's Pack build house ”
- Source is situation, place / time already
Example: Bandung in sentence “ tu's Bus comes from Bandung ”.
- Field goal is place situation / time be next
Example: teacher in sentence “ She wants to become teacher ”
- Referential is referenced
Example: Husin in sentence “ Husin my friend ”
Ø relational's structure
relational's structure arises on year 1970 an as daring as direct to some assumption which the most basic of cognitive syntactical one designed by transformasi's structure flow. The same as with transformasi's structure, relasional's structure also tries to look for kesemestaan's method language. In this case structure relasional (TR) there are many attack transformasi's structure (TT), since looks on that TT's theory unappliable on other languages besides english language. Theoritically grammatic relasional, each structure kalusa consisting of network relasional (relational network) ynag involves 3 maujud's kinds (entity), which is:
c. A set of until (nodes) one that feature elements in a structure.
d. A set of relasional's sign (relational sign) one that constitute grammatical relationship name that slung by that element is deep its relationship with other element.
e. A set of “ coordinates ” one is used to point out on level which that element sling given grammatical relationships to the other elements.
1.1. About Linguistics at Indonesian
Initially observational dialkukan's indonesian by pro Dutch and European another, with aim the favor colonial governance. At the early 19th century and early governances 20th century colonial need badly information tetap lingual that is at earth utnuk's Indonesia smoothens the way colonial governance at Indonesian, beside utnuk other behalf, as pervading as Christian religion, fledged information danluas tetap lingual that vernacular, particularly vernacular penuturnya's one there are many, are momentous deep going administration and colonial governance wheels. Therefore, research to that vernacular really been encouraged oelh Dutch colonial governances that. There are many master is transferred goes to various region to do language research.
In line with developing and becoming animate it stidu linguistics, on the fifteenth 15th November 1975, on initiative a number linguis senior, stand up kelinguistikan's organization that diebri Indonesian Linguistics Society name (MLI). Three year once MLI arranges national deliberations. Besides speak organization problem, also seminar hits dengah's linguistics presented problem by membered. To complete its existence, since 1983 MLI publishes one journal which given by indonesian Linguistics names. Go away before publish it Indonesian Linguistics Journal actually Indonesia have available linguistics magazine that utilize England medium language. This magazine is more recognised by the name of NUSA blazed the way by its publisher by Prof. Dr. J.W.M.
Enquiry to Indonesian vernaculars and lingual basional Indonesian, there are many too done by person outside Indonesia, Leyden university at Netherlands already have length history in observational archipelago languages. Over there, for example available Uhlenbeck with its far-flung study to javanese, there is Voorhove, Teeuw, Rolvink and Grijins last with jakarktanya's dialectal study. At London, America and still a lot of again that utilize study about indonesian.
According to function it as national language, pesatuan's language and state language, therefore indonesian descries it to sit four sentral in deswasa's linguistics study this, well at home affairs and also beyond seas.
Studi is linguistics experiences 3 formative phases:
1. First phase (venture phase)
2. Second phase (observation and classification phase)
3. Drd phase (cognitive formulation phase)
In formal education to be known traditional structure terminology (menganalisis is language
base philosophy and semantic) and structural structure (base formal marking
whatever available in a given language).
Subject problem that becomes discrepancy linguis on greece epoch which is:
1. Discrepancy among fisis and nomos
Thing that is questioned philosophers Greece if that language gets nature (fisis)
or convention (nomos). Intention of the nature is lingual it has
derivation and source relationship in eternal principle and can't beyond substitute
that man is alone (naturalist clan). Have say that conventional clan lingual
get convention character (nomos) with the meaning meaning a word is gotten from result a
tradition / wont who may can changed.
2. Discrepancy among analogy and anomali
Opinion analogy clan as Plato and Aristoteles interposes that
language gets set character. Meanwhile anomali's clan opines that that language
get disordered character.
Its figure which is Protogoras and Georgias, dividing sentence as sentence narasi,
ask, answer, instruction, reporting, invocation and invitation. They work empiric ala, must,
really accentuate retorika's area and differentiates sentence type base
meaning and content. So is known as studi language.
? She disputes analogy and anomali in its book dialoog .
? She releases language limitation that its sound language is statement collect thoughts
man by the instrumentality of onomata and rhemata.
? She is person that first time differentiates onoma's deep word and rhema.
ARISTOTELES (constitute one of student Plato)
Terminologicaling it, there is 3 kind braze to say which is onoma, rhema and syndesmoi.
Terminologicaling it also, there is 3 word sexed kinds (gender) which is masculine, feminine
and neutrum.
Thing that needs to be known is she give savvy, definition, concept do ever
leave with logic.
? They differentiate studi language logically and structure.
? Creating special terminology for studi language.
? Differentiating legein and propheretal.
Forthcoming Cikal grammatic traditional it comes from to bind books dionysius Thrax
Studi is language on Roman epoch to be looked on sequel of Greek epoch. Figure that
popularly is Varro, with its opus De Lingua Latina and Priscia with its opus
Institutiones Grammaticae .
Varro and “ De Lingua Latina ”
? Etymology is branch linguistics which mnenyelidiki derivation therewith say in origin.
? Morphology is branch linguistics which investigate word and its forming.
Varro divides to braze Latin word in four a part, which is noun, say job,
partisipel and adverbium.
About case, in greek available 5 numbers, sedangkang in lingual Latin
according to Varro there is 6 numbers which is nominativus, genetivus, dativus, akusativus, vokativus
and ablative.
About declination (changing morphology), Varro differentiates to become declination
voluntaris's naturalist and declination.
Institutiones Grammaticae (Priscia's structure)
One that equitable being spoken about that book:
a. Phonology, spoken by writing / font is litterae the so called (a part most littles of sounds
one that gets to be set down). Name letters to be called by figurae. So-called sound point potestas.
Differentiated sound becomes vox artikulata, vox martikulata, vox litterata, and vox
b. Morphology, speak about dictio / says. Say is differentiated as nomen,
verbum, participum, pronomen, adverbium, praepositio, interjectio, and conjunctio.
c. Syntax, speaking thing is oratio the so called (manner arranges word that gets harmony and
pointing out that sentence finish).
Of this middle ages petut's one is spoken in studi language, for example:
Kaun Modistae , speaking discrepancy among fisis and nomos, for example analogy
and anomali. spekulativa's structure, constituting grammatical description integration result
latin language. Petrus Hispanus, have once become pope by exhibits Paun Johannes XXI
with book gets Summulae Logicales's title.
Looked on as epoch of thinking century uncovering modern century. Hebrew language and
Arabic a lot of studied person at the early middle age. Arabic linguistics
quick amends because arabic position as lingual as islams innocent book.
European languages and lingual outdoor languages European.
1. Ferdinand de Saussure, constituting modern linguistics father with Course's book
de Linguistique Generale. In this book is worked through about concept studies sinkronik
and diakronik, the difference langue and parole, the difference signifiant and signifie and
sintagmatik's relationship and paradigmatik.
2. Alirah Praha, its figure which is Vilem Mathesius. In this flow is differentiated with
explicit among phonetic and phonology.
3. Gelosemantik's flow, with Louis Hjemslev's figure. Menganalisis is language is begun
of discourse,then ujaran it dianalisis on constituents that
having paradigmatis's relationship.
4. Firthian's flow, popularly with its theory hit prosodi's phonology. There is 3 kinds
prosodi's subject:
o Prosodi who concern phonemics affiliate.
o Prosodi that molded by joint / interval.
o Prosodi that fonetisnya's realization wents behind satuan that greater than
suprasegmental's phonemicses.
5. Sistematik's linguistics
In it available dicta:
? First, giving full attention on lingual sociological facet.
? Both of, seeing language as executor.
? Third, more accentuate given lingual marking application therewith
its variation.
? Fourth, know to mark sense gradation / kontinum.
? To five, figuring lingual main level.
6. Leonard Bloomfield and Strukturalis Is America
Severally amendses causative factor its linguistics flow:
? First, linguis America faces same problem, namely there are many
really lingual Indian one is given at America.
? Both of, Bloomfield's reject to mentalistik in line with philosophy climate on
that term at America.
? Third, mark sense The Linguistics Society Of American.
7. Tagmemik's flow
Terminologicaling it, satuan is syntax basic is tagmem that constitute correlation among
grammatical function / slot with a galaxy morphology which can mutually
1. Transformasi's structure
Requisite who shall be accomplished deep grammatic:
? Resulting sentence shall get to accept by that language user.
? That structure has to get form in such a way face.
Structure consisting of 3 components which is syntax components, semantic and
2. Semantic Generative
Theoritically generative semantic, semantic structure and syntactical gets homogeneous character
and linked by trabsformasi's method.
3. Case structure
Case constitutes relationship among verba with nomina. Verba is with even with
predikat and nomina is argument.
4. Relasional's structure
In method looks for this structure kesemestaan language. Three kind form theory
the interesting is a set of hoop (nodes), a set of relasional's sign and
a set of coordinates.
Lingual research at Indonesian being done by pro Dutch and European. Its aim
the favor commanding colonial. Modern linguistics concept echo that new
get in at year-end Indonesia 50 an. On initiative a number linguis senior, stand up
kelinguistikan's organization that given by Indonesian Linguistics Society name (MLI).
Accord its function as national language, unitary language and state language, therefore
indonesian sits sentral's place
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