

A. Learning Media savvy
Say “ lingual indigenous media Latin ” and constitutes plural form of “ medium ” literal trick mean “ mean ”, “intermediate ”, or “ introduction ” Media is “ intermediate ”, introduction orders from consigner go to order receiver ”.

Ala media savvy terminology:
According to Gerlach and Ely (1971) that media if is understood in broad outline is “ human, material, or instance that build condition that make student can get science, skill or attitude ”. Under this heading, teacher, textbook, and school environment constitutes media. On a more special, media savvy in processes tend teaching and learning be looked on as tool of graphicses, photografis, electronic, to catch, process, and reorganizes visual's information or verbal ”.
According to Gagne and Brigss (1975) interposed that “ learning media cover tool that physically been utilized to pass on content, teaching material that consisting of for example book, recorder's tape, cassette, camera's video film, slide / frame image, photograph, image, graph, television and computer ”. Media is source component study or physical mode that can stimulate student for learned.
Contained common marking on each defenisi media:
1) Learning media have physical savvy that hereby is known as hardware (hardware), which is phenomenal object something, heard, or diraba with the five senses.
2) Learning media have savvy non physical which is known as software (software), which is order content that exists in hardware that constitutes to fill that is passed on to student and its emphasis exists on visual and audio.
3) Learning media have tool savvy helps on good learned process at in as well as outdoor class.
4) Learning media is utilized in order to communication and teacher interaction with student in processes learning.
5) Learning media can utilize mass ala (e.g.: radio, televise), big group and agglomerate little (e.g.: film, slide, video, OHP), or individual (e.g.: module, computer, taped radio / cassette, recorder's video).
D. Media Elect principle Learning
Principle who shall be regarded deep choose learning media:
1. Memilh is media shall up on intent learning and learning material that will be passed on.
2. Choosing media has to be adjusted by student developing zoom.
3. Choosing media have with competence been adjusted teacher, well in its procurement and also deep its purpose.
4. Choosing media has to be adjusted by situation and condition of or at the time, place and situation in point.
5. Choosing media has to understand karakterisindikator of that media is alone.
Factor who shall be regarded deep choose learning media:
1. Objektifitas, its mean is media elect be not been gone upon because person hobby or just as amusement, so cares for utility and relevansinya with material and karakterisindikator of that media is alone.
2. Teaching program, choosing media has to be adjusted by teaching program, since is not all media get for all been utilized teaching program.
3. Situation and condition of, media elect shall be adjusted by teaching and learning situation, tutorial material, and school and class environment.
4. Technical quality, which is kesiapan media operational as untapped as, e.g. for recorder's tape what all still good walking or available damage.
Effectiveness and mean purpose efficiency its media purpose binds books mere because perform one of teaching component but if that media by far beneficent to make easy student mastery.

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